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Research anything and
discover relevant trends at scale

Hours of market research handled instantly!

"If Google Trends met ChatGPT"
✓ Rated 4.9/5
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TrendSwell.ai gives you the full picture of what matters


What topics are customers in your industry interested in?


What products are customers buying in your industry?


What competitors and brands are in or related to a topic?


Who are the people that matter in your industry?


What events exist and which ones are popular?


What technology is prevalent in your industry?

The Superior Alternative to Google Trends

Cut research time by 95%! Imagine the hijinks that can ensue with all that extra time!

Google Trends

Reports only what you enter

Does not research your entry

Related topics NOT related

No SEO data provided

Can't save searches

No trends database

No community

Support? Good luck with that

Way Better, Trust Us!
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Uses AI to rapidly research your topic

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Related topics are actually relevant

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Search volume, CPC, and competition provided

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All searches are saved for future review

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Trends database of 6000+ trends

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Community of researchers and entrepreneurs

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Get direct support on your research project

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Company is not evil

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Designed to fit your use case

Are you a business? You probably need this.

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For Startups

Agility is critical when it comes to creating and launching new startups. Use us to ideate and validate your next project.

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For Retail & E-commerce

Need to know what products to sell? We'll show you which products and brands are hot in your industry.

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For Marketers

Learn about the growth of an industry and the people that your brand should connect with to generate growth.

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For Research Firms

Research and automatically track multiple industries simultaneously for reporting and client engagement.

Why TrendSwell.ai?

"Google Trends kind of sucks… But what if it didn’t?"

- Jack Marchese
(Founder | Google Trends Hater)

Jack had a plan to solve the problems that Google Trends and SEO tools couldn't. He created TrendSwell.ai to help entrepreneurs, brands and agencies to quickly analyze any industry. Spend less time researching and more time executing.