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For individuals


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What’s included
  • All analytics features
  • Up to 250,000 tracked visits
  • Normal support
  • Up to 3 team members
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For big companies


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet doloroli sitiol conse ctetur adipiscing elit.

What’s included
  • All analytics features
  • Up to 5,000,000 tracked visits
  • Dedicated support
  • Up to 50 team members
Get started


Best for evaluating your next project, idea, or analyzing one niche
Normally $69/mo
One Time Payment


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One Time Payment
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Best for evaluating your next project, idea, or analyzing one niche
Normally $69/mo
One Time Payment


Need more searches or custom features?
Let's chat!
One Time Payment
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General features




Trend search
Trends database
Keyword tracking
Like amount
0 keywords
1,000 keywords

Customer perks




Community access
Chat support
Support priority
Medium priority
High priority
High priority
Training session
Research support
Roadmap features


How does TrendSwell.ai find trends?

We trained an AI model to analyze your search and compile a massive list of related topics, products, brands, people, events and technology. From there, we analyze the interest of a topic over time and report what's trending.

How do searches work?

Think of a search as a credit. One search equals one credit. Credits do not roll over.

Can I search multiple countries or regions?

Not yet. However, we plan on supporting 240+ countries in over 45+ languages. This is a top priority on our roadmap.

What is the trends database?

If you don't feel like using our search tool to discover trends you can also see what we've already surfaced in our database. The current categories we support are beauty, pets, entertainment, finance, fashion, food & drink, health & wellness, business, and automotive. We add hundreds of new trends every month to see with more categories on the way.

How does the like feature work?

When our AI finds a keyword that you're interested in you can like it. This saves your keyword on a favorited list. Soon these keywords will automatically update on a monthly basis to allow you to track them.

What use cases do you support?

Our AI model is trained on finding trends to assist with general market research, product research, and content creation. If you need help with a specific use case let us know!

How is TrendSwell.ai different from Google Trends and the others?

Unlike Google Trends and other trend platforms, we offer a distinct advantage - the ability to uncover a large amount of relevant trends. While Google Trends presents one trend at a time, and other tools limit you to trends within their database, we go beyond these limitations. Avoid tedious research and saturated lists and discover your own unique trends at scale.

Can't I just use an SEO tool to find trending topics?

We can't replace your SEO tool, and we aren't trying to. SEO tools allow you to make a search and review a database of long tail keywords. We're the only platform that uses AI to actually understand your search, and pull a large list of highly relevant terms (and long tail keywords) to help you explore a topic more deeply than is possible than an SEO tool. We suggest using our tool in conjunction with an SEO tool to further your research.

Can I request new features?

We're constantly building based on the needs of our users. If you have a required feature based on your use case request it on our product roadmap. Our roadmap also shows what we're working on next based on what you vote for. If you're an enterprise client with a specific need we can discuss developing that for you as well.

Do you offer a free trial?

Because our AI is using live data to find and interpret results we have significant costs to maintain our systems. If we were drowning in VC money we'd love to offer a trial, but we don't have any Valley connections. However, we do offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. If within the first 14 days you try Current.ai and don't love it (you will) just let us know and we'll cancel your subscription and give you a full refund.

How does the lifetime deal work?

You pay us one-time and have access to the software for life. Our goal would be for customers to have access to all future features, but we don't know what features the future brings. Some features may not be feasible to be accessible to LTD accounts, but our goal would be to provide these features at cost or at discounted rates. We can guarantee that all users will have access to our "milestone 1" features should we reach them. To see our fundraising milestones click here.

What are the payment options?

Right now we only have Stripe integration. If you'd like to pay through other methods, please contact us, let us know which plan you're interested in, and we can send an invoice through other services like Paypal.

Who owns this company anyway?

The founding team currently consists of a scrappy young(ish) entrepreneur named Jack and his cat. We are based out of Connecticut and are proudly bootstrapped. You can connect with the founder on LinkedIn.

Can TrendSwell.ai ever go rogue?

While TrendSwell.ai is great at research there is no risk of gaining sentience. In the event that the AI apocalypse does occur, just load up on canned beans and lay low underground for awhile. Just make sure you have proper ventilation down there, you know, because of all the beans.

Still have questions or need help? Contact us